<%a5 Delete tmpl_CALLINMESSAGE_P DIM tmpl_CALLINMESSAGE_P as P tmpl_CALLINMESSAGE_P = a5w_load_component("CallInMessage_PD_Applicant") ''SYSTEM GENERATED COMMENT - PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE (LOAD:CallInMessage_PD_Applicant) 'Override settings start ----------------------------------------- with tmpl_CALLINMESSAGE_P .alias = "CALLINMESSAGE_P" _dialogFilename = "CallInMessage_PD_Applicant" end with 'Override settings end ----------------------------------------- delete x_CALLINMESSAGE_P dim x_CALLINMESSAGE_P as p x_CALLINMESSAGE_P = a5w_run_Component(tmpl_CALLINMESSAGE_P) 'SYSTEM GENERATED COMMENT - PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE (RUN:tmpl) (EDIT:CallInMessage_PD_Applicant) ?x_CALLINMESSAGE_P.Output.Head.JavaScript ?x_CALLINMESSAGE_P.Output.Head.CSS_Link ?x_CALLINMESSAGE_P.Output.Head.Title %> Immediate Staffing Request

Please Leave Us a Message

If you are an applicant please use the form below for letting us know you are still available for work. If you are an employee, you may use this form to communicate to us most day to day issues. You must enter your social, including the dashes, and your Date of birth for the rest of the form to show. The two must match the records in our database system. For issues using this form please call 903-759-4299. Thank you.

<%a5 ?x_CALLINMESSAGE_P.Output.Body.Dialog2_HTML %>





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